Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just try to trot slowly to this one.

Was just minding my own business, plunking down one foot after the other and then BAM! This song cued up on my playlist.

Whooooooooooooooo-ah!! Got to keep 'em separated.


I was flying. Heart fluttering high and steady, legs light on the ground, every ache and annoyance on the trail suddenly forgotten. The high's lasted all day. One of those moments when you're like, "Oh yeah, THIS is why I run!"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thank you for smoking

I'd just like to thank the kid in my development who was out walking his dog and sneaking a cig while I starting off my morning run. Nothing's more gross than inhaling smoke while you're running. (I really don't know how people who run in cities deal with that--plus city bus fumes, smog and more.) I took off as fast as I could to pass him. And then I slowed down, but I still ended up running faster than I thought I could the rest of the four-mile loop.

I'd probably do pretty well in a race if I could get the people at the water stations to light up so I'd want to pass them instead of slow down. You never run so fast as when you're trying to run away from something, after all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Speeding up & slimming down (yay!)

Being a new mom is all about numbers. How many hours did the baby sleep? How many times did he feed, spit up, mock Pampers' marketing claims that their diapers are "leak proof"?

And then there's that important number we don't always like to talk about: the one on the scale. How close (or far) are we to pre-pregnancy weight?

When you're a new mommy who also runs, there's another number that matters to you, a LOT. Your pre-pregnancy pace.

I am thrilled and honored and ecstatic and delighted to report that I am tightly closing in on both these numbers. I've got five pounds to go to be the old, pre-baby me, and thirty seconds per mile to go to get my old, unencumbered pace back. My clothes aren't quite zipping up the way they used to due to a stretched out belly and a little extra padding on top (thanks to nursing.) But for the most part, I feel like the old me. Yay!